The following is an interview with Free Alabama Movement
Founder Bennue Hannibal Ra(y)-Sun (Spokesman Ray) and Co-Founder Kinetik
Justice Amun (Robert E. Council).
For more information about the Free Alabama Movement –
check out their site:
In order to share the unique
perspective of the Free Alabama Movement and their perspective on the means of
struggle against the system of mass incarceration, the NJ Decarcerator conducted
this interview with two of its founding members. Please share this interview widely as it
could help open our minds to outside the box, avenues for our struggle to
defeat mass incarceration.
Question 1: What do you see as main
motivators of mass incarceration?
At the heart of mass incarceration
we see economics. It is so much money involved, many jobs across all branches
of government, and now private businesses have access to this market of human
capital that can be forced into free labor that produces hundreds of billions
of dollars worth of products and services. The money that is being made off of
mass incarceration is just . . . massive. What they say is a crime, is a crime.
Whomever they say is guilty, is guilty. The Constitution only applies to who
they say it applies to. Businessmen and women write laws like mandatory
minimums, to make sure that you stay long enough to pay for college for their
children to finish college. When the police in New York went on protest and stopped
making "petty crime" arrests, the first people to complain were
defense attorneys and bailbonds companies. Mass incarceration is all about the
money, and many people are getting paid B-I-G !!!
The only other main factor is race,
because someone has to serve the rich and provide the free labor. In America,
we already know how that works. The exception in the 13 th Amendment is there
for a reason. Right there is where you find the heart of mass incarceration.
"Neither slavery or involuntary servitude" is an expression of
economic principles. So that's (economics) is where you have to look to find
the solution. We see McDonald's, Bob Barker, Koch Brothers, ALEC, Wells Fargo,
Wal Mart, Wendy's, US military, Dick Chaney, AT&T, you name a company, and
all of them are using prison labor. We know that when vulture capitalist like
some of those whose names we see are hovering over private prisons or private
factories, then that should tell you that mass incarceration is about money.
You advocate a particular form of
resistance to mass incarceration – can you give a high level overview?
Today, Mass Incarceration is one of
the most talked about issues plaguing this country. However, only a few years
ago, there were only a hand full of people that had ever heard the term.
It is our understanding based on
The numbers support our contention that "MONEY" is the
motive and most important factor in explaining the policies and conditions
within the D.O.C. Therefore, an economical response is our most effective
a"STATE FREE LABOR FORCE", which generates BILLIONS of dollars each
year, in tax dollars, industry market, imposed fines & fees, co-payments,
court costs and the millions saved by inmate "FREE LABOR." We have
researched and studied the lessons of previous prison movements throughout the
country; and the evidence of the Jan. 1, 2014 - Jan. 21, 2014 work stoppage has
confirmed that prisons do not function without inmate labor. And every day that
the prison does not function the prison profit margin plummets.
Based upon these premises and
understanding the motive behind Alabama's Prison Policies, Free Alabama
Movement takes the position that - if we, collectively, engage in a proactive
peaceful & nonviolent work stoppage, the financial burden will compel the
Dept. of Corrections and the law makers of this state to be more receptive to
our demands for fundamental Human Rights. This method also affords us the
opportunity to show society that many of us are intelligent & rational men
striving to resolve our issues with the most peaceful means possible; and to
combat the misconception that we all are, irrational, violent predators lacking
any morality and humanity.
Why do you believe this is the best
form of resistance?
One of our Elders, Elder Mafundi, always
tells us that we must look to our history for the solutions to our problems.
Historically, when a people had to bear the burden of slavery, the success or
failure of the slave system always depended on the slave providing labor where
they received none of the benefits of the production. The maintenance of such
an economic system has always been dependent upon the labor for its very
existence. When the slave stops going into the field, all investment is lost
for the capitalist. The crops rot in the field !!! The animals dies! The
factories and assembly lines stop rolling! The tags stop getting made!
military gear stops getting made! At&t's calls stop getting answered!
McDonald's and Wendy's meat patties stop getting made! . . . But for the prison
profiteer investor, the bills keep on coming in. 2,500,000 people still have to
be fed in their custody. 2.5 million people still must be provided water, heat,
and electricity must still be provided. 2.5 million people still have to have
their laundry done. When on strike, all of the revenue that is generated from
prison labor that is used to support this slave system stops when we go on
strike. Additionally, all of the people who would then be required by law to
perform this labor would be correctional officers -- and none of them work for
FREE !!!!
There are barely enough officers to cook the food, pull the trash, and wash the clothes. One can't even begin to imagine the costs it would take to hire freeworld laborers to run the prison industries. Tags, chemicals, clothes, military hardware, recycling, farms, road crews, etc. No tactic other than work strikes has the ability to have that type of impact upon the system all at once. And best of all, it is the easiest and simplest tactic of them all. No trying to get voter blocks. No empty promises and lies from politicians and/or lawyers. No fund raisers needed !! Winnie Mandela said it best: We have to stop working for them and start working for ourselves.
There are barely enough officers to cook the food, pull the trash, and wash the clothes. One can't even begin to imagine the costs it would take to hire freeworld laborers to run the prison industries. Tags, chemicals, clothes, military hardware, recycling, farms, road crews, etc. No tactic other than work strikes has the ability to have that type of impact upon the system all at once. And best of all, it is the easiest and simplest tactic of them all. No trying to get voter blocks. No empty promises and lies from politicians and/or lawyers. No fund raisers needed !! Winnie Mandela said it best: We have to stop working for them and start working for ourselves.
All we are asking men and women in
prison to do is, when the officer comes by to announce work call, just tell him
or her that you are engaging in a non-violent and peaceful protest for your
civil and human rights and that you no longer wish to work for free while you
and your family continues to suffer. Just that simple. No violence needed. No
cursing. No threats. No knife or anything. Oh, and don't forget to tell the
officer to wake you when "he" gets done cooking breakfast !!!
How do you see such a tactic
What are some of the challenges to
this form of protest?
We are very confident that this
tactic will produce the desired effect, which is to disrupt, dismantle and
destroy the slave system run by the various Criminal Justice Systems. To once
and for all, rip the heart- the laborers- out of the slave machine. As fate
would have it, we just witnesses a demonstration by the men at Willacy County
Immigration Center in Texas, and that provided yet another example of the
effectiveness of work strike and activism from within. A 2800 bed prison was
taken down in one day with a work strike (and some internal destruction). But
the workstrikes are what brought that prison's operations to a halt.
This approach also eliminates a lot
of possible obstacles, leaving only one real obstacle- the mentality and vision
of the people incarcerated. This represents the biggest threat to our Movement,
in Alabama as well as, in Mississippi. Our Goal is obtainable, Our Method is
clear, however, winning the minds of the people is our biggest obstacle. But
that is what the struggle is about
What are the reactions of those who
consider themselves prison reformers, decarcerators, abolitionists – has the
support for this tactic been forthcoming?
Well, the reaction to this tactic
has been varied, but that is to be expected. There are various interests,
ideologies, and reasons as to why people are involved in this field, so
everyone won't be on the same page. Second, what we are doing is "different"
from the ineffective status-quo tactics that we have seen for 15-plus years. We
are prison-led and we use technology like cell phones and social media from
inside prisons. Some people are not used to this from people in prison, and
they are especially not used to asking our opinion on the solution to these
problems. When we contact groups, we are giving our assessment of the solution
to this problem and seeing where they can offer their support, and there are
those who have to adjust to that.
You have people and orgnizations in
this for a single worthy issue like the death penalty or a cause like solitary
confinement, mandatory minimums or non-violent crimes. Well, we are against the
systematic incarceration and enslavement of 2.5 million people. Almost 1
million of them are mentally ill. Probably close to 500,000 of both non-violent
and violent people are innocent for a number of reasons, including political
prisoners, framed, lied on, prosecutor misconduct, and actual innocent people.
Even those who are guilty of violent crimes have already done 20, 25, 40, 50
years in prison. Many of these people deserve relief from the oppression of
mass incarceration and prison slavery too. It's hard for an organization to say
that they know that people are being mass incarcerated for prison slavery, but
then say that they don't embrace a tactic that will defeat the economic
underpinning of that system in a way that will impact all of the
"symptoms" of that we see people fighting individually.
What are the risks to the organizers
and participants?
The risks to organizers and
participants is that if we do not stop the economics of this system os mass
incarceratiion and prison slavery by stopping our labor, then we will continue
to perish in these death camps. Disease, violence, executions, child
imprisonment, malnutrition, inadequate healthcare and dental care, sensory
deprivation, abuse, rape, exploitation, long-term confinement, and the costs to
our families, children and communities. Those are the risks !!! In essence, we
run the risk of dying as slaves, but only if we continue to accept living and
working as slaves.
1) What retribution have you seen
As with all historical endeavors
against this system, prison organizing comes with swift repression. Brothers
associated with the FREE ALABAMA MOVEMENT have been unjustly deemed"
threats to the DOC" and reclassed to indefinite sentences in Solitary
confinement. I've witnessed brothers be assaulted, sprayed with different
gasses and their very lives threatened. The risks are real, just as the
Retribution is. While networking and organizing with brothers from Georgia, I
watched as a lot of brothers were falsely accused, misclassified then placed in
a TIER PROGRAM; which is a tortuous indoctrination program, sort of like the
"Re education and Concentration Camps of WWII. So the Retribution is real
and that's why its so important to have a EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM when you are
engaging in prison organizing.
2) What role can people on the
outside play around this strategy when there is no such action underway?
Free ALABAMA promotes a 2 prong
direct Economical tactic to confront this system of Mass Incarceration and
Prison Slavery. On the Inside, we will engage in a Non Violent & Peaceful
work stoppage, while simultaneously protesting outside these institutions and
protesting outside the facility of one of the targeted Corporate benefactors of
Mass Incarceration and Prison Slavery. So, even though FAM, FMM & FCM are
Inside created and led Movements, there is an active role that our Family,
Friends and Loved Ones can play in this struggle.
What about when there IS action but
in another state?
When there is action in ones own
When there is action in ones own
state, try to get down to the prison that is down ASAP. Spread the word to
other prisons in the state where you may have organizers and contacts.
Whichever prison is serving as the "headquarters" for the Movement
should begin mobilizing people to the downed prison to start protesting,
marching, phone zaps to the prison, praying, filming from the outside, etc.
Whatever you can do to help support the shutdowns. Do everything within y'alls
power to hold that prison down as long as possible. Block shift change
officers. Jam the traffic. Do everything possible to keep the Administration in
disarray. When that one prison is firmly secured, then it is time to move on to
the next one.
DO you envision that there is a way
to protect the public from crime yet does not have the super abuse and
exploitation nor serve the social control and profit motivation aspects that
mass incarceration serves?
No, I don't think that there is any
way to protect the public from crime under our current model of government.
There is simply too much money at stake to protect the public from corporations
like Monsanto, who poisons our food. Of the large drug companies that are
selling prescription drugs to millions of patients who they are turning into
addicts, and let's not forget about the people dying from alcohol and tobacco.
Then, you have the banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, and the
"private contractor military companies" like Haliburton, etc., who
thrive off of wars that kill millions of innocent people. Add police murders,
unscrupulous prosecutors and lawyers, and child-selling judges, and I just
don't have an answer for how to protect the public from crime.
Remember something: Out of 2.5
million people in prison, probably close to 1 million of them are mentally ill.
Of the ramining 1.5 million, an estimated 300 are innocent. Of the remaining
1.2 million, close to 2/3 are drug offenders. When you factor in property
crimes and drugs addicts who commit crimes to support their habits, I don't
think that that leaves very many true "boogieman" criminals left.
There are only a few Timothy McVeighs or Charles Manson or serial killers in
the system. Addressing mass incarceration by releasing the 2 million people who
need to be released won't put the public at risk. In fact, it will strengthen
the public because more families will benefit from having mothers, fathers,
providers, etc. to be able to contribute to the family, as opposed to been
incarcerated solely for free labor.
What do you see of how it SHOULD BE?
We don't have to try to
overcomplicate what a prison should look like. In a nutshell, when the economic
equation (slavery) is removed from the Prison Industry, then most of the
problems that we see with prisons will disappear anyway. What will be left will
be akin to a college/therapy/treatment center. Prisons are supposed to be a
place where a person who is unable to function in society should be removed
from their environment, assessed for whatever is causing them problems, and
then afforded treatment that will prepare them for successful re-entry back
into society. Alot of these things are outlined in our "FREEDOM
BILL." We want to see mentoring programs, community voluteering, family
nights, computer classes, financial and budgeting literacy, etc. We (F.A.M.)
have a comprehensive plan drawned out for this because releasing people from
these hell holes like the ones in Alabama with only a $10.00 check after
serving decades in prison has a predictable result.