We have incorporated into our action plan for Decarcerate
the Garden State, inside – outside communications to erase the walls of the
facilities as a dividing line that prevents unity between decarerators and the
incarcerated – and thus obstructs the effectiveness of our efforts.
We also initiated a letter writing drive – not so much of a
prison “pen pal” project but more of an incarcerated outreach project. So far there has been very limited
participation in this project – it needs
to be better organized and coordinated.
The proposed plan is as follows:
First step – decide you are part of this and
pick a facility from those listed here.
For now we are focused on NJ state facilities:
Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility, Bayside State Prison, Central Reception and Assignment Facility, East Jersey State Prison, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, Mid-State Correctional Facility. Mountainview Youth Correctional Facility, New Jersey State Prison, Northern State Prison, Southern State Correctional Facility South Woods State Prison
Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center, Albert C. Wagner Youth Correctional Facility, Bayside State Prison, Central Reception and Assignment Facility, East Jersey State Prison, Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women. Garden State Youth Correctional Facility, Mid-State Correctional Facility. Mountainview Youth Correctional Facility, New Jersey State Prison, Northern State Prison, Southern State Correctional Facility South Woods State Prison
2. Second
step, send about 50 letters into each facility. This link explains the method and has a
sample letter (modify to your liking if preferred) and how to find the names of
incarcerated persons: . http://decarceratenj.blogspot.com/2015/03/poking-hole-in-prison-wall-writing-to.html
. The goals are to let incarcerated know
about Decarcerate the Garden State efforts and give them a way to communicate
out to us about situations on the inside and the kinds of support they need.
3. If
enough interest, initiate an attempt to reach out to visitors on visitation
day. Right now there are problems with
corrections officials and local police respecting the constitution in this
regard but we are currently pursuing a plan to take legal action to establish
our constitutional rights. See: http://decarceratenj.blogspot.com/2015/03/decarcerate-garden-state-to-challenge.html
4. Attempt
to identify friends and family members of those incarcerated at that facility
and reach out to them to involve them – and ask if they know issues that need
to be addressed at the facility.
Encourage them to let their loved one know about our efforts and ask to
help spread the word inside the facility.
5. Invite
other local groups to participate in the efforts – the idea is this effort
would not be an exclusive Decarcerate the Garden State project but be a
statewide Decarceration project uniting all of the freedom, justice and human
rights organizations in the state.
6. Set
up a discussion near the facility and communicate to those on the inside as
well as those with ties to the facility on the outside inviting attendance and
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