We at Decarcerate the Garden State are very concerned about any attempt by state apparatus or extraordinary forces to use violence and threats to intimidate opposition to wanton killings by police and mass incarceration. This development in Baltimore - a hotbed of resistance to the epidemic of police killings of unarmed men and women needs to be publicized and we need to be prepared to mobilize against threats and acts of violence aimed at silencing resistance.
This press release came from the facebook wall of Terri Kay - please forward / share / tweet widely.
Serious physical attack on my Baltimore comrades:
For Immediate Release: June 4, 2015
Press Contact: Sharon Black Rev. CD Witherspoon
The Baltimore Peoples Power Assembly and Southern Christian Leadership
Conference Call for Friday, June 5, 2015 Press Conference at 1 P.M. at
2011 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 to Announce and Release the
Following Statement in Response to Organizer’s Car Being Shot Up –
“To the Baltimore City Police Department and all concerned: We will not be intimidated, silenced or stopped! Our organizations and organizers will continue to stand strong until justice is won for Freddie Grey and all of the victims of police terror. We look forward to a strong and united Peoples Assembly and Tribunal on Police Terror called for this Saturday on June 6th.”
This past Tuesday, Sharon Black’s car was shot up with what appears to be a 357 magnum weapon, bullets went through several layers of steel from back to front, aimed at the driver’s head rest. The rear window was also shot up. Black, her son Steven Ceci, a guest from South Central Los Angeles, John Parker, were at her East Baltimore row home when all three heard 5 to 6 gun shots several yards from their residence at approximately 11 P.M. Tuesday night as they returned from work at the PPA’s nearby offices.
This attack is combined with a series of threatening phone calls to both the PPA’s phone line and Black’s personal phone, including a barrage of robotic attacks to both phones and disruptions to the organizations communications systems.
Sharon Black, PPA
organizer and Rev CD Witherspoon, SCLC President jointly stated, “We
take this attack and other threats very seriously and want to send a
clear message to the Baltimore Police Department, the Fraternal Order of
Police (FOP) and any and all forces that may wish us harm, that we will
not be intimidated, silenced or stopped in our continuing fight for
justice for Freddie Grey and all victims of police terror. We want to
say to all of our concerned friends and supporters: We are stronger
than ever and look forward to a vibrant and productive assembly this
Saturday, where we will not only hear from the victims of police abuse
but plan our next steps toward ending police terror and winning jobs and
livable wages now.”
Saturday’s Assembly will take place at New Unity Church, 100 W. Franklin Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (corner of West Franklin & Cathedral Streets) 2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Peoples Power Assembly
2011 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
The event being organized has a Facebook event page here:
From the description of the event:
Baltimore Tribunal & Peoples Assembly "Stop Police Terror - Jobs & Livable Wages Now!".
We are joining hands with our sisters and brothers across the country that are holding tribunal sessions on police terror and structural racism. Come out to testify, speak out! Have you been abused or beaten by the police? This will be your opportunity to speak out.
Are you a student or a member of the community who would like to concretely support the struggle against racism and police terror, come out and learn what you can do to help.
Be a part of a campaign to end police terror! Build community power! Join the “Know Your Rights/Cop Watch teams. SATURDAY, June 6, 2015 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. Place to be announced. Initiated by: Peoples Power Assembly & Southern Christian Leadership Conf. Greater Balto Phone:
More information: http://peoplespowerassemblies.org/
Baltimore Related: Decarcerate the Garden Stated Helped Lead Opposition to NJ State Police Deployment to Baltimore: http://decarceratenj.blogspot.com/2015/04/petition-protest-and-resist-njsp.html
“To the Baltimore City Police Department and all concerned: We will not be intimidated, silenced or stopped! Our organizations and organizers will continue to stand strong until justice is won for Freddie Grey and all of the victims of police terror. We look forward to a strong and united Peoples Assembly and Tribunal on Police Terror called for this Saturday on June 6th.”
This past Tuesday, Sharon Black’s car was shot up with what appears to be a 357 magnum weapon, bullets went through several layers of steel from back to front, aimed at the driver’s head rest. The rear window was also shot up. Black, her son Steven Ceci, a guest from South Central Los Angeles, John Parker, were at her East Baltimore row home when all three heard 5 to 6 gun shots several yards from their residence at approximately 11 P.M. Tuesday night as they returned from work at the PPA’s nearby offices.
This attack is combined with a series of threatening phone calls to both the PPA’s phone line and Black’s personal phone, including a barrage of robotic attacks to both phones and disruptions to the organizations communications systems.

Saturday’s Assembly will take place at New Unity Church, 100 W. Franklin Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (corner of West Franklin & Cathedral Streets) 2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Peoples Power Assembly
2011 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
The event being organized has a Facebook event page here:
From the description of the event:
Baltimore Tribunal & Peoples Assembly "Stop Police Terror - Jobs & Livable Wages Now!".
We are joining hands with our sisters and brothers across the country that are holding tribunal sessions on police terror and structural racism. Come out to testify, speak out! Have you been abused or beaten by the police? This will be your opportunity to speak out.
Are you a student or a member of the community who would like to concretely support the struggle against racism and police terror, come out and learn what you can do to help.
Be a part of a campaign to end police terror! Build community power! Join the “Know Your Rights/Cop Watch teams. SATURDAY, June 6, 2015 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. Place to be announced. Initiated by: Peoples Power Assembly & Southern Christian Leadership Conf. Greater Balto Phone:
More information: http://peoplespowerassemblies.org/
Baltimore Related: Decarcerate the Garden Stated Helped Lead Opposition to NJ State Police Deployment to Baltimore: http://decarceratenj.blogspot.com/2015/04/petition-protest-and-resist-njsp.html
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