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The following is a page 2 article from the latest issue that
sums up what is contained in this issue:
Welcome to the Second Issue of The NJ Decarcerator!
The NJ Decarcerator is being published for the second time
to support the efforts of the
Decarcerate the Garden State to bring about an end to mass incarceration in
NJ. This issue is dedicated to reaching
out directly to NJ’s incarcerated, their families and loved ones.
On page
1 we print an extensive interview with the Incarcerated leaders of the Free
Alabama Movement (continued on p. 6), an open letter to NJ organizations
calling for unified action to Decarcerate in NJ and another open letter to
incarcerated and their families.
On this
page, we call for the hosting of “Decarca-Parties” to meet informally to carry
out Decarceration tasks, we call for folks to pledge to take Decarceration
actions each and every day, we urge word of mouth spreading of the
Decarceration message within NJ facilities, we offer to assist college and high
school students in putting together Decarceration events and we give
information about NJ crime lab corruption and blatant racial profiling –
calling for review of cases connected to these issues.
Page 3
includes our call for First Amendment access to visitors at state prison
facilities on visiting day, we offer families of the incarcerated help in starting individual campaigns for
justice, we provide information about the NJ Decarceration Act and we offer
assistance and support to communities that want to organize a panel discussion
or meeting around Decarceration and related issues.
center spread includes a list of websites for some of the political prisoners
and an article on the topic of political prisoners by Educators for Mumia Abu
Jamal co-founder, Mark Taylor, a suggestion to incarcerated persons that they
spread the word about the paper on the inside, a call for creation of facility
support committees around each of the state facilities, information about one
such committee Southwoods Family United, an article about writing to the
incarcerated about our efforts, an article with various statistics on the
situation in NJ and an invitation to write for our blog site.
Page 8
includes an article about coordinated strike action by incarcerated persons
across multiple states and the call for a coordinated strike on September 9,
2016 as well as our perspective on the issue of cannabis legalization.
We do
not have all the answers – we know that
something major has to be done immediately to address this issue as the crisis
that it is. We hope that through our actions, we can strike
a nerve with those in the targeted communities and help bring about a critical
mass that can take effective action to END MASS INCARCERATION!
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