e do not know why James Pleasant was removed from St. Clair to Donaldson Correctional Facility. Family members cannot get clear answers from Donaldson on his current health. We do not know why information on his general well-being is being withheld from his family. Please help his family get immediate answers.
Please contact:
Donaldson Correctional Facility
Warden Leon Bolling
100 Warrior Lane Bessemer, AL 35023-7299 Phone: 205-436-3681
Warden Leon Bolling
100 Warrior Lane Bessemer, AL 35023-7299 Phone: 205-436-3681
Jeff Dunn, Commissioner
Alabama Department of Corrections
301 South Ripley Street Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Phone: 334-353-3883
Alabama Department of Corrections
301 South Ripley Street Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1501 Phone: 334-353-3883
The Office of Alabama Governor Robert Bentley
600 Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36130
Switchboard 334-242-7100 Fax 334-353-0004
600 Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36130
Switchboard 334-242-7100 Fax 334-353-0004
Governors Office of Minority Affairs
Director Nichelle Nix 334-353-2113 Email: nichelle.nix@governor.alabama.gov
Director Nichelle Nix 334-353-2113 Email: nichelle.nix@governor.alabama.gov
Also, you can make a complaint online via:
Tell the warden (or whoever you can get on the phone) that the whole world is watching. Let them know that we are contacting the media. Demand Humane Treatment and Due process according to law. Demand that retribution against James Pleasant be ended immediately, that he has a right to free speech. Call upon them to return his possessions and provide immediate access to medical attention.
More information will be shared as it comes available.
Dhati Khalid writes . . .
Sample tweet:
#FreeALMvmt Khalid Dhati Retaliated Against - Action Needed http://bit.ly/28QXIBd #DecarcerateNJ
Sample tweet:
#FreeALMvmt Khalid Dhati Retaliated Against - Action Needed http://bit.ly/28QXIBd #DecarcerateNJ
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