We are at the same point with the demand for an end to mass
I would suggest that probably every or nearly every
political office holder has the position that there are “too many”
prisoners. There are many incremental
schemes – 5 year plans – 10 year plans . . . proposals where those that might
eventually get some degree of relief from their current harsh sentences have to
conform to rigid programs preparing them for “return” then intensive monitoring
(supporting the prison monitoring security equipment companies) once they get
limited release from incarceration.
Given NJ’s reprehensible – worse in the nation – probability
of incarceration disparity – where Black NJ residents have a TWELVE TO ONE
greater probability to end up incarcerated as NJ’s white residency – OUT NOW! Is
a legitimate demand.
incarcerated and a full fledged investigation of how NJ earned this infamous
worse in the nation disparity.
A simple demand for immediate commutations . . . instead of
trying to embrace complicated reforms that are being bantered about – could
possibly garner public support and create the kind of pressure that could
expedite any actual relief that gets meted out.
Face it – with the 12:1 disparity – that means that many
incarcerated should likely never have been arrested, many should never have
been sentenced, many sentences should never have been as lengthy, many have
been over charged and forced into plea arrangements when their was scanty evidence
against them to begin with.
We need to make the demands that resources be allocated to
exposing these disparities in NJ criminal justice and that commutation be
immediately provided to those that have been victimized by these racial aspects
of NJ’s so called criminal justice.
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