He is trying to market this repressive legislation under the
guise of “educational” and “not about punishment.” For something that is not about punishment –
there are an awful lot of punishments that are part of this purportedly safety
minded proposal: $400 $600 or $800 depending upon how many times you took the caffeine
at the wheel and got nailed by a trooper or a local yokel.
Plus license suspension.
Remember too that for many struggling workers and out-of-workers in NJ
even a couple hundred of fines equals a short jail term in NJ’s debtor jails –
I believe the rate is about $50 a day – whereas if you are poor as dirt for
example and you have $500 fine that you
can not pay – you can often jail it off for 10 days sentence.
But this is about more than coffee.
Technically it is already illegal to be doing distracting
things like coffee or whatever while you drive but this will make it for a
citable offense meaning you can get pulled over for it. No doubt there are several other infractions
built in – like is it just coffee or does it include water, a sports beverage
or tea or hot cocoa? Probably all. And what about changing the station or
quickly looking over to make sure your son is buckled in.
Basically what it comes down to – Wisniewski – intentionally
or otherwise – is giving NJ cops another excuse and cover for racial profiling
and other forms of harassment or investigative “look see” policing.
The judicial gives wide leeway to cops doing whatever they want
on the highways and byways already. Many
– including those who are Black and Brown – in NJ and throughout the nation are
already a little nervous about driving – having experienced the wrath of police
stops and having watched the ravages of trigger happy policing of pull overs on
the nightly you tubes.
One more reason now they have for random stops – I thought
I saw him look down at a drinking receptacle, I noticed his eyes shift from the
road, I saw a water bottle in the cup holder . . .
Boom – instant pull over excuse. Opens the door to the daily dalliance between
civilian drivers and the armed (with weapons and with impunity) officers in
blue or grey or brown.
So why is Wisniewski – the guy that led NJ progressives for
Sanders and spoke at community meetings about the need to fight for change sponsoring
this? Is this some guise to get cops
more overtime hours? Is there some sort
of “real reason” deep police investigative strategy going on? The safety angle sound s somewhat superficial
in these days of daily confrontations between zealous, often racist and corrupt
police and civilians just trying to go to work or enjoy the pursuit of happiness.
Why Wisniewski – why?
Better yet – wake up and realize you made a mistake and walk it back.
Better yet – wake up and realize you made a mistake and walk it back.
We need decarcerating action from politicians – especially those
that want to claim the progressive mantle – not more excuses to increase the
tension between police and civilian drivers at a time when this issue is a
major contributor to community anger.
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