According to Jay Arena of Resist the Deportation Machine organization:
"This letter is a followup to our November 9 demonstration at the Essex County Freeholders. After the demo we went into the meeting and demanded that the county break the contract with ICE to imprison immigrants at the Essex County prison. Enclosed above is a formal letter, sent this week by email, making that request."
This effort to close the detention facilities should be widely supported and linked to the struggles to end mass incarceration and oppose US wars at home and abroad. Stay tuned for an announcement of a protest that will take place on January 27 around these issues.
For more information, join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/143490942937260/
Dear Essex County Chosen Freeholders and Essex County
Executive DiVencenzo,
We are writing to strongly urge you as members of the Essex County Board of Chosen
Freeholders and as County Executive to immediately act to end the contract with
the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) to hold 850 immigrant
detainees at the Essex County Correctional Center in Newark.
ICE’s detention centers throughout the country are a crucial
part of its cruel and illegal deportation machine that is spreading terror and
disrupting the lives of millions of immigrants.
Without ICE’s ability to hold up to 41,000 immigrants in detention, it
would be impossible for it to deport the 400,000 or more immigrants per year it
is now expelling. Most of the 100 detention facilities are, like the Essex
County Correctional Center, leased from local authorities.
Shutting Down detention centers will force ICE to free
immigrant detainees. The ICE system is full to capacity, and ICE is requesting
Congress authorize 5,000 more beds. Detainees that are no longer housed at ECCC
can’t, in general, be moved elsewhere because there is no room for them. ICE will
have to release many of them. We are as well demanding that Hudson County and
Bergen County close their detention centers and we expect that shutting down
one of these centers will inspire other campaigns throughout the country.
Multiple shut-downs will cripple ICE’s entire deportation operation, preventing
ICE from simply moving detainees around. In 2006, the closing of the Passaic
County immigrant detention facility in Paterson led to the paroling or outright
release of over 140 detainees.
Immigrant detentions are unconstitutional and a threat to
the rights of all. By ICE’s own
admission immigrant detainees are “administrative detainees” who have not been
charged with or convicted of a crime. Their detention—really imprisonment under
a different name—violates the basic protection of the Bill of Rights that no
person is to be deprived of liberty without due process—indictment and trial by
Deportations and Detentions Undermine All Workers’ Rights.
The threat of arbitrary detention and deportation deters many immigrants from
defending their rights to decent wages and working conditions. This hinders the
ability of all workers to defend these rights.
Essex County Must not Run on Blood Money. The fact that the
county profits from the unconstitutional detention of immigrants, because ICE
pays for the beds, is not a valid argument for collaborating in the ICE
deportation machine. The County could raise money by selling opioids as well,
but that would not make it a wise policy.
Therefore you should act now to immediately end the
detention contract with ICE.
Sincerely yours
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